Join the Nebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
- Professional development. Meetings are a time to meet and discuss contemporary fishery or aquatic resource issues with fellow professionals. For students, the Chapter can also be an information source for part/full time positions.
- Receive the Chapter newsletter (“Flatwater Examiner”).
- Leadership opportunities include chapter officer positions; serving on various committees (Legislative, Current Affairs, Endangered Species, Membership, Newsletter, Awards, Scholarship), or being a Chapter representative to a North Central Division technical committee (i.e. Walleye, Esocid, Centrarchid, Rivers & Streams, Reservoirs).
- Networking/Fun. Annual meetings are great places to share information, network, or just have fun. Workshops on topics of interest are sponsored as are educational seminars. Technical sessions allow you to present your work as well as the opportunity to learn what other professionals are involved with
- Scholarships/Awards. Students can be nominated and receive travel awards to National AFS meetings as well as academic scholarships. Awards are available for technical papers presented and contributions to the NAFS as well as National AFS awards.