Chapter By-Laws
Nebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
Section 1 – Name and Objectives
The name of this organization shall be the Nebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, and herein after referred to as the Chapter.
The objectives of the Chapter shall be those of the American Fisheries Society as set forth in Article I of the construction, and to encourage the exchange of information by members of the Society residing within the State of Nebraska.
Section 2 – Membership
The membership of the Chapter shall be composed of those American Fisheries Society members in good standing residing in the State of Nebraska.
Section 3 – Meetings
The Chapter shall hold at least one meeting annually at a time and place designated by the Executive Committee. The program and presentation of papers shall be the responsibility of the Program Committee.
Section 4 – Officers
The officers of the Chapter shall consist of a President, President-Elect, and a Secretary-Treasurer.
Officers shall be elected at an annual meeting. At the next annual meeting, the President-Elect assumes the Presidency and a new President-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer may hold office for a period longer than one year (it has been tradition for several years that the Secretary-Treasurer of the Chapter serves a term of two years) , but the term of the other officers shall be one year. Members who have served as officers may be elected as an officer again, provided that a period of two years has elapsed since they last held office. In case of a vacated position, the Executive Committee shall appoint a qualified replacement to fill an unexpired term. A chapter officer must be a Parent Society member.
In the event of a cancellation of an annual meeting, the officers and the members of any committee shall continue to serve until the next scheduled meeting.
Section 5 – Duties of Officers
The President of the Chapter shall preside at all meetings, shall serve as the Chairman of the Executive Committee, shall represent the Chapter to the North Central Division and to the American Fisheries Society, and shall make such appointments and perform other duties and functions as are authorized and necessary.
The President-Elect shall be Chairman of the Program Committee and shall assume the duties of the President in the event of his inability to act.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the official records of the Chapter, collect and be custodian of the registration fees collected under Section 10 of these By-Laws, and any funds which may be allotted to the Chapter. The Secretary-Treasurer shall disburse funds as may be authorized and necessary, and shall submit a record of receipts and disbursements at the annual Chapter meeting. He shall perform such duties as may be requested by the Secretary-Treasurer of the American Fisheries Society and of the North Central Division.
Section 6 – Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the Chapter shall consist of the elected officers and the immediate Past President. The committee is authorized to act for the Chapter between meetings and to perform appropriate duties and functions.
Section 7 – Chapter Committees
Committees and the Chairman of Committees except as listed in Section 5 of these By-Laws, may be appointed by the President as may be necessary for the conduct of the Chapter activities.
The terms of office for members of Chapter Committees shall end upon the discharge of the duties for which they were appointed, or at the next annual meeting of the Chapter, whichever comes first.
Section 8 – Election of Members
Application for all classes of American Fisheries Society memberships may be received by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Chapter and shall be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Society.
Section 9 – Voting and Quorum
Decisions at meetings of the Chapter shall be in accordance with Article IV, Paragraph 4, of the Constitution of the American Fisheries Society.
A quorum at any meeting for the transaction of official business shall be 1/3 of the Chapter membership.
Section 10 – Registration
The Executive Committee may assess each registrant attending annual meetings of the Chapter a registration fee necessary to cover the costs of the meeting and Chapter activities. Collections shall be made by the Secretary-Treasurer and disbursements shall be made for financing the Chapter operations, as may be directed by the membership or by the authorization of the Executive Committee.
Section 11 – Amendments to the By-Laws
The By-Laws of the Chapter may be amended and approved in accordance with Article IV, Paragraph 4, and Article VI, Paragraph 3, of the Constitution of the American Fisheries Society and by Section 9 of these By-Laws.
- Section 2 – Membership
There shall be an associate membership in the Nebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society which will be open to professionals, students and laymen. This membership shall be without voting privileges.
Appendices to the By-Laws are not Amendments, but accounts of official, permanent procedural resolutions passed by the Chapter. They are included herein to provide guidance for the Chapter in the future.
Appendix I
Bob Thomas Memorial Scholarship Fund Donation Amount Criteria
- These criteria were established at the Business Meeting that took place during the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society held in Council Bluffs, IA on February 19, 2007.
- If the Chapter’s bank account balance exceeds $5,000 (prior to the donation) then $1,000 will be donated to the Thomas Fund (which is administered through the University of Nebraska at Lincoln Foundation).
- If the Chapter’s bank account is between $3,000 and $5,000 (prior to the donation) then $500 will be donated to the Thomas Fund.
Transcript (recorded by NE AFS Chapter Sectretary/Treasurer Larry Pape) of the determination of the above criteria from 2007 was as follows:
“Randy Winter proposed donating $500.00 to the Bob Thomas Scholarship Fund. Gerald Mestl suggested a $1,000.00 donation be made since the bank balance has increased substantially over the past few years. Gerald motioned we give $1,000.00 annually if the checking balance exceeds $5,000.00 and $500.00 if between $3,000.00 and $5,000.00, before the donation. Randy Winter seconded. Motion unanimously approved by voice vote.”
Appendix II
Financial Aid for Officers and Technical Committee Chairs to attend National and District AFS Technical Meetings
- These criteria were established at the Business Meeting that took place during the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society held in Gretna, NE on February 15, 2011.
- If appropriate funds are available, the Chapter may provide up to $1,000 annually for Officers and Technical Committee Chairpersons to go to their technical meetings if their employing agency/organization does not provide it. The President would get first priority and then the Technical Chairpersons. Money could be used as a fall back only. This would be dependent upon a travel request and approval.
Transcript (recorded by NE AFS Chapter Sectretary/Treasurer Phil Chvala) of the determination of the above criteria from 2011 was as follows:
“Discussion then proceeded to an issue that Steve Schainost had brought up during his Rivers and Streams Committee report concerning the possibility of the Chapter providing funds to get the Chapter President and the Tech Committee chairs to their respective annual meetings when their employing agency does not provide it. Discussion ensued and Kirk (Steffensen) motioned to provide $1,000 to get the Tech Committee chairs and the President to the respective meetings when the employing agency can’t or won’t provide the opportunity. This would be dependent upon a travel request and approval. Dave Adams seconded and the motion was approved by voice vote.”